Lush green tropical foliage in a dense jungle setting, featuring various types of broad leaves and palm trees.


Featured Products

White pots with various indoor plants on a shelf

Medium rooted plants


Small starters


Single leaf bundles


More about the brand

Welcome to AquaFlora! Just a little plant shop run by little ol’ me.

I love to nurture my greenthumb and unfortunately (or is it actually fortunate) that has led to more plants than I set out for. You’d think that would deter my collection growing - wrong! I decided I wasn’t going to sacrifice the joy I get from taking care of my plants, so I needed to find a way I can still get my fix, but I can share it with others.

At AquaFlora I expand my collection, grow and love each and every plant until they’re ready for a new home and make room for new additions to spend some time with.

My medium plants range from 6” - 8” pots with ceramic or plastic planters. These are generally “set and forget” (except water, always water). They are very happy with their roots and home so will need very minimal work done to them for ultimate comfort.

The small starter plants also come with ceramic or plastic planters ranging from 4” - 6”. These tend to have room to grow into a much bigger plant down the road - a pothos for example, you’d receive a small 4” planter with a couple vines, couple leaves, but this plant will need to be repotted as it grows into adulthood.

Offered along with the small and medium plants are the 3 single leaf bundles. These are just as they sound, 3 single leaves, rooted and ready to add to a pot. A cheap and fun way to add to or start a plant collection of your own.